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Delser is an italian DELSER was founded in 1891, from the entrepreneurship of the family with the same name and it began producing biscuits, wafers, candies and later on cookies for babies.

At the time, the "Phosporated Cookie" was very popular and recommended by pediatricians since it was highly digestible and rich in mineral salts.

The first recipes originated from a convent tradition of the Canossian nuns.

In 1908 the first factory was established downtown Martignacco, a small village located 6Km due North-West of Udine.

Over the years, Delser became a supplier for the Royal Family of Savoya and for the Pope and welcomed the Royals at its premises twice. The event is commemorated by a beautiful marble plaque in display at the entrance of the current factory.

A few biscuits, to honor its noblest customers, were named after members of the Royal family: in particular Margherita and Elena.

Delser became quickly known all over Italy and abroad; it took part in important events were it was celebrated for the quality of its products.

Delser Granelle Cookies from Italy, 10.58 oz

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